
Massage is the oldest healing tradition with therapeutic benefits. Our licensed therapists are capable of any style massage, creating the ultimate relaxing experience tailored to your needs. Escape from stress and pain and let us balance your body and mind.


Registered Massage Therapist

This service is performed by our RMT specialist with over 15 years of experience dealing with various body issues with magical hands and pleasant personality. This service is covered by Insurance.

30 Minute Massage$70
45 Minute Massage$90
60 Minute Massage$110
90 Minute Massage$145
Hot Stone Massage$145

massage by Certified Aesthetician

Swedish Massage:
30 Minutes $60
60 Minutes $90

Relaxing Swedish stress relief massage by skillful hands of our staff will leave you tension free and longing for more.

30 Minutes $50
60 Minutes $90

Alternative medical practice involving gentle manipulation or pressing on certain parts of the feet to stimulate energy, releases blockage in specific area that cause pain or illness.

Indian Head Massage:
30 Minutes $50

Alternative medical massage will increase joint mobility and flexibility in the neck and shoulders, may improve blood and lymphatic flow that may aid in elimination of accumulated toxins.